Saturday, March 28, 2020

Grateful, Thankful, Blessed

“Grateful, Thankful, Blessed” are words I have used in my decor for many years. It’s a mantra that I try to live by every day of my life. It is especially true as we go through this very trying time as a nation, and as the human race.

I’ve had so many emotions over the last few weeks. For me, the pandemic is bringing back all of the emotions from 9/11. The difference is, this time it’s our medical community that’s on the front lines, and it’s not only America, but the entire world that’s suffering. 

Although what’s happening is tragic, if you focus on the good, you can see heroes, unity, cooperation, and love. These are the things I choose to see. I refuse to complain about having to stay home, although I miss my grandchildren, adult children, our parents, etc. terribly. Self isolation and social distancing is something within our control that we can do for our community. Our family is taking this responsibility very seriously. I pray those who aren’t, will find it in their hearts to think about others, and will be led to do so very soon. We may not all be able to help financially, or medically, or any other way, but everyone who’s not out there with truly essential jobs, can do this. I know how hard it is for families that rely on a paycheck to live, but thankfully there have been some wonderful resources put in place, and many generous hearts willing to help as well.

Like I mentioned earlier, this is bringing back many of the same emotions for me as 9/11, but it has made me reflect, and in some cases realize for the first time, all of the things that I am grateful for. As it comes to me, I have been writing them down. It helps me stay focused on what’s right in the world, instead of dwelling on the things that are wrong. I would encourage you to do the same, especially if you are struggling with this. It really does help.

Here are just a few of the things I am grateful for...

I am grateful to those that put themselves in harms way, to treat and care for the sick. THANK YOU!

I am grateful for the politicians who are putting their differences aside for the good of the people. THANK YOU!

I am grateful for all of the other professions that are essential to keeping our country running, food on the tables, our utilities on, our children learning, etc during this time. There are far too many to mention.  THANK YOU!

I am grateful for our pastors, church, and church family. We need God now more than ever. THANK YOU.

I am grateful for my employers. Thankfully, they were following this. They made it possible, in a very short period of time, for all of their employees to work from home. Everyone will continue to receive a paycheck, and we will still be able to help our clients and the community. THANK YOU! 

I am grateful to have a comfortable home, the technology to see and talk to my friends and family, my sweet four legged family members, and the blessings that come with being forced to slow down and spend quality time with many of those we usually take for granted. 

I have no idea if anyone will even read this since it’s not decor related, but I believe it is very much home related. 😉

God bless all of you. Please be safe, and pray for our nation. We need all of the prayers we can get.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Weekend Update

We didn’t get a lot accomplished this weekend. We spent much of the weekend just trying to spend some quality time together. You would think working from home would give me more free time, but it’s actually been just the opposite. It’s also been pretty stressful, so I really needed some down time. We did at least get the wallpaper put up, and some other minor things. I’ve ordered some new lamp shades but, understandably non essentials are taking a little longer to ship. Other than that, I’d call the basement mostly finished.

 My husband is going to start on my daughter’s room tomorrow. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Social distancing and getting projects done

This coronavirus crisis sucks! In an effort to do our part to stop the spread of this deadly virus, my household is practicing social distancing. This means I’m not able to be with many of the people I love. However, we are trying to stay as positive as possible. The silver lining is that while I’m working from home my husband is getting lots of our projects done. 

The sunroom is finished. We painted the brick SW Tricorn Black and the wood walls SW Navajo White. We also put in the wood tongue and groove ceiling, and added new light fixtures. 
I shopped my home for artwork and rug.  
 New Slipcovers for existing chair and ottoman
 We also got a new loveseat and changed the handles out on the small chest

Most of the doors have been painted black on the lower level. Just have a few more to do. 

We’ll be changing this wood wall mural too. I have some lovely wallpaper that will replace it. 

Until next time. Stay safe out there.